The Miserable Facts of Life...

Enjoy it while you can. No matter how bad it is now, things can only get worse.

Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow; for tomorrow you may die.

What one has great joy in building; another will have even greater joy in destroying.

Nothing ever comes easily.

There will always be those that will live without any due consideration for your existence.

Life is one continuous sequence of regrets; every decision and action could have been better.

No matter how hard you try there will always be someone who is better off than you.

However long you wait, it will never really be your turn.

Nothing really matters.

In the course of time everything gets worse.

If something can go wrong it probably will go wrong.

You can never win; so just give up.

Hope for the future is a hoax.

Ultimately there is only one choice in life and that is: Whether or not to commit Suicide

There isn't much of a future ... You are going to Die!

There is only one way out ... DEATH.


Something is not right when your life when you are asleep is far more interesting and enjoyable than your life when you are awake!

To live a purposeless meaningless life is to live in the joy of now.

Life is a gift to treasure and enjoy. Accept the facts and the misery and then live your life and live it as well as you can. It is your life. You can do whatever you want to as long as you consider the effects of your actions on others. Just try not to add to the misery.